Playing Favorites?

Sam and Gaga

‘No mamaaaaaa, GaGa do it’

With the huge amount of time I have had to invest in work recently Sam has turned to totally favoring his Dad. ( BTW GaGa is Dad ;))


Like to the point that when I picked him up from kindy the other day, I was expecting his usual running leaping hug followed with his usual ‘I love you too much Mama’, but he saw me, stamped his foot said  ‘Oh NO, your not GaGa, no Mama, oh no..’ and then burst into huge big fat tears threw himself in the cubby house and cried like world had ended.

I was soooo tired and sooo upset. I tried hard to fight the tears, no one wants to look like a looser in front of the teachers, and tried to give Sam a moment to pick himself up and come out.  But – he didn’t.

In the end I had to carry him through the day-care, kicking and crying. Carrying him, his bag, multiple pairs of gumboots (he paused screaming long enough to make me pick them up) then forcing him into his car seat, both of us by that time wet with tears.

I wasn’t upset that he didn’t love me, I knew that was not true and it would pass, but that I knew this day was coming and perhaps had not been handling it well enough – head in the sand and all that. As well as feeling downright horrific that work had taken such a toll on our family.

You can google and chat until your heart is content in order to find out that a child favoring a parent is a normal occurrence, but it does not stop the pain in your heart to be rejected as a mother.  I guess we all think we have until the school years to cuddle our babies before they reject us for not being cool at the school gate, so this can be pretty hard.

It was bizarre going though a range of emotions ( I am blaming being dog-tired rather than a crazy person though), hurt – obviously, then wanting to hide and say ‘fine then, see if I care’ like some teen brat who was sulking. Then came grumpy mama with no patience. Next was overly nice helpful, playful mama who wanted to get back in the good books. Who knew I had so many persona all in one day!

Pretty sure it’s about their emotional state, one of the age/stage levels in the books I have been half reading for a while now.. Maybe he’s becoming more independent and ready to see if they can cope with shifting allegiances and the effects that then creates. Its kind of like they are so very full of feelings and this must be pretty overwhelming for them. Choosing a parent shouts of them trying to take control of a situation and dealing with the challenge by separating the feelings into something they can handle, a focus point.

They see the dynamics and watch you deal with it. That is pretty hard in itself to model the right behavior when you don’t have any idea what is going on.

Sam and gaga 2

We started trying to make that behaviour into something specific for Sam. Special Daddy Time. So in me asking him if he wanted SDT, it was beginning to give him words to use to be able to handle the emotions. Not excusing rude behaviour but hopefully that will stop when he could articulate what he wanted. It also gave an end point, so that the special time would be fully Sam’s to control but that it was only for 20 minutes then he had to be calm and move on. Then the next time he had a mental at me I could ask him if he wanted SDT and he could breathe knowing that I would help him get that When as soon as I could.

Well that kind of worked. Then he just got stroppy and it started again. Taking time to watch their relationship, you can see the differences – Dad is rough, play fights and makes good fart noises, whereas I tend to teach while I play and discuss things, or put music to dance around to. This was great when he was little, but now my wee munchkin has become this… BIG KID!! like literally overnight! and that means I had BECOME SO BORING! So I went for it.. saw him intent on something, went up yelled boo in his ear and ran away! We played like this, exhaustingly, for AGES. Then the next day I suggested we look for bugs. GREAT idea mama!

Not gonna lie, there were some rough moments. The ‘I don’t have time for this Sam’ moments. A week of attitude that seemed to go on for months. Nothing worse than your kid rejecting you when you have leave for work. Makes for a damn long drive.

Well, we came out the other side and Sam has been intent on his Sammitch hugs again (Sam Sandwich – where we pick him up squish him between us and talk about being a family), and wants us both around to show us his latest idea. I just have to remember to balance out and let myself play the fool more often.


Today he even handed me his favorite crocodile toy and said ‘Your

turn Mama’. It was the loveliest moment. I know it will happen again, and that we will need a new strategy that time no doubt!

Just another cog in the wheel of growing up and proof that you need to go with your gut and just try what feels right for your family.

Love to hear if you have been in this place too and how you dealt with it! Leave me a comment ( the button is at the top of the post ) or on my insta post, the more we share, the more we all feel normal!

XX Nicole.

Mama Make up 101

makeup table 2Honest mama moment😅.. this picture fills me with both excitement and dread! I took this recently when having my makeup done and totally admired the skill needed.

Who else totally missed the boat when they dished out makeup advice when you were younger? I was too busy with sport and thought lip gloss was all you needed!

Even recently my makeup bag was full of things I felt I had purchased by accident, sheer luck or been given. Some of you know that my makeup bag recently ‘went missing’ (code for stolen) 😢 I miss certain aspects like my clinique chubbystick lippy, my random no brand name ‘raisin’ coloured blush that was perfect for me and my bronzer (which was being used as a coverall as I recently wasted money on a foundation that was the wrong colour – long story).

AND so I am embarking on a one woman mission to help all mamas out there with

‘Mama Makeup 101’

I’m on a crusade to find gorgeous easy to use cruelty free natural (where possible) makeup that’s affordable. Then (as if that’s not enough) create a ‘mini go to’ kit that’s right for me. 👌Key words are easy and quick!

This is not sponsored, everything here has been bought and chosen by me (but I’m not adverse to trialing and reviewing things if anyone wants to send me something!).

The plan is to do some quick videos on simple ways to enhance make up for mamas on the go. Those things you wish you knew a little bit about but don’t want to go all Kardasian about it! I want to interview a makeup artist, insta mums and cosmetics company to see what they believe is in a woman’s go to kit – key words – SIMPLE for ON THE GO!

Here are my purchases so far!

  1. Nude By Nature Touch of Glow Highlighter Stick, Colour Champagne.
    $29.95( Farmers NZ)
  2. Nude By Nature Allure Defining Mascara, Black.
    $32.95 (Farmers NZ)
  3. Nude By Nature Pressed Powder Bronzer.
    $44.95 (Farmers NZ)
  4. Clinique Chubby Stick Baby Tint Moisturizing Lip Colour Balm
    $42.95 (Farmers NZ)
  5. Natio Smooth & Rich Lip Colour Palette – Berry
           bought at Farmers price TBC as not on the website (limited edition). Less than $25 though.

group border 2Why did I use these brands? After some online research and some great advice from my insta tribe, I have made sure that the brands I have now are as good for you as they are gorgeous!

Nude by Nature are an Austalian based company whose makeup is 100% naturally derived and cruelty-free. They don’t have all the nasty chemicals, synthetic ingredients or preservatives that have been shoved into most other brands. These guys have worked really hard to produce a fabulous product!

Natio are also Aussie based and are staunchly cruelty free. They are palm oil free and as natural as possible ( they mention that some of their products still require a small stabiliser).

As for the Clinique.. there website is sadly lacking in info and that probably says it all. But lets be honest I am a normal mum and I needed something fast that I knew worked. So will happily replace this as soon as I get a chance with something that fits in with my plan.

So hopefully we can see that you can get great make up without compromising your values!

Stay tuned to see what the next steps are or feel free to leave comments on what you love the most in your kit!

Nicole xxx



Mango Coconut Gelato Recipe

2.jpegThis easy recipe is full of deliciousness. Its dairy free and has many variations!

I’ve been searching for some dairy free yogurts, desserts and ice creams. Many are either still full of preservatives or ‘number ingredients’ and many were very expensive. So I have decided where I can to try to make my own! I have a very sensitive stomach and have to be very carefully dairy free, otherwise the pain is awful.

20180327_173103-01-02 (1)

And so with some tweaking of various recipes, I have this pearler! Its sooo simple and perfect for busy folk or those with kids who want to help!

If you are not a Mango fan, you can use any fruit! My next mix I will try a passionfruit and yogurt blend! The gelato in a cone is OOB blueberry, banana and honey as a sweetener!

Take a cup and a half of any frozen fruit ( enough for 3 people – double if you need more!)…  I really like using OOB Organic as they are snap frozen ( that keeps in the goodness and the bits don’t stick together!) as well as being certified organic. We use them in smoothies as well and the quality for the price are best in my opinion!

berries 2

Throw them in a blender/food processor and blend until roughly chopped and in small bits– some fruits need a little cool water in there also get the blend moving.

To get the Gelato flavouring add in a little vanilla essence, If you love the tangy-ness add a little less than the 2 teaspoons.  I chose to add a little as I love vanilla!

Some fruits that are a little tart may need a teaspoon of brown sugar or a squirt of lemon to liven up the flavour!

Slowly add into the food processor a milk of your choice as you blend (about 1/4 Cup) – I chose to use coconut milk from STIR . I am really impressed with this company and the milks don’t have a strong aftertaste like some of the other blends.

c milk

They have these great small size pouches ( as well as big packs) that last well in the pantry ( about 6 months) and you can make it up as you need it.

The milk lasts well in the fridge, I keep mine in a shaker so I can give it a quick mix each time before using!

If you don’t like the coconut any milk can be used instead!

mixed milks






Then – hey presto you have Mango Coconut Sorbet! 

I have tried storing this frozen as well and it works just fine, but you wlll need to blend again and add water or milk again to ‘rehydrate’ and bring the sorbet texture back again. Just a few teaspoons will allow it to soften up and return to the silky texture!

Here are some links to the products I used, but both are readily available in most supermarkets as well !

Click the Logo’s to go directly to the Websites!

oob logo







Instagram – @stiryourmilk 



Ok, so menstrual cups.           Basically – GET ONE.

lunette pic 1

Stop faffing about and going ‘oh wonder if they work’ ‘must try that’ or ‘its just a fad’..

I’m going to tell you about my trial of a Lunette cup, so that you can feel like a normal mama tried one and survived, so hopefully you won’t need to feel like you have to be super out there to try it.


I had no idea that I was using around 10’000 pads or tampons in my life.

Before you cringe and close the lid, know that this is being written with some home truths and by a normal mama, so no advertising here. I will mention the brand I have used, and yes the product was gifted to me, but if I did not like it – I would not talk about it – let alone write a post.. so bear with me and see what you think!

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For Rocks Sake..

crystal 1OK, so recently some stuff came up in my life and I got STUCK. Just like the little yellow digger. I felt like I had used 3 or 4 other bigger diggers to pull me out and I was still STUCK. The next biggest digger was too damn expensive and I did not want massive amounts of friends and family to bring round spades for a digging party. Apart from my sister they would have all had different opinions on solving various problems, usually resulting in my self esteem taking a massive hit as they all told me to stop eating every and all types of food all at once.

This was something I wanted to handle alone, quietly and move on without making a fuss.

To the rescue – @KateJonesLife!

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Norwex Cloth Range

TextCandy_20170719_120129 (3)

UGH, I hate cleaning sooo much. weirdly I love laundry, but wiping and dusting.. I would rather poke myself in the eye.

Anything to take that crappy job away is a happy place for me! so when we were approached by Toni Williams, (@gogreenwithtoni) to try out some of the Norwex range and see what we thought, I thought sweeeeet!

I am trying to be more conscious in our home about removing plastic, excess waste and cleaning products so this was a perfect time to try a product like this!  We gave the cloths a good trial, and thought I was about ready to tell you my thoughts!

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Home Wishlist

Home wishlist

Well it’s ‘Wish List Time’ !

Thursdays are my chance to showcase to you some of the gorgeous products out there that I would dearly love to have in my home! Last week it was things for me and this week treats for home! Maybe you might love them too! Let me know some things in your wishlist!Read More »

Autumn Wishlist

May 4 things i love‘You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you neeeeeeeed!!’
(Rolling Stones)

These things are things that are on my wish-list. By no means do I need them, having a toddler and on modest wages means extra treats are scrimped and saved for (and usually for Sam – not me!) .. it is simply a want, luxuries of goodness and delight.. things that to have would make me simply smile..Read More »